Tāmaki Makaurau demographic reflected in Radio Waatea’s live broadcast of Te Matatini
Radio Waatea’s live broadcast of Te Matatini Herenga Waka Herenga Tangata 2023 Fesitval drew in iwi radio stars from across Aotearoa to reflect the demographics of the country’s supercity.
Over the course of Te Matatini Herenga Waka Herenga Tangata Festival 2023, Radio Waatea pulled iwi radio stars from Kaitaia, Hamilton, Paeroa, Tūrangi, Whanganui, Taranaki and Wellington to commentate on the national kapa haka festival, Radio Waatea station manager Graham Pryor says.
“It just made sense. As Tāmaki Makaurau is the country’s biggest city and home to whānau from across Aotearoa and the globe we wanted to ensure our broadcast represented the population of New Zealand and differing reo Māori dialects which we hear in Tāmaki,” he says.
Radio Waatea 603 AM is Auckland’s only Māori radio station that provides extensive bi-lingual broadcast to its listeners. Mr Pryor says it is a pleasure to broadcast the national festival and to work with kaimahi from the wider iwi radio network.
“Kaupapa like Te Matatini, which celebrates te ao Māori and te reo Māori, is what the iwi radio network is all about. It’s been uplifting to hear from our listeners across the country that they’ve enjoyed hearing stalwarts in their own rohe participating in the coverage of the national kapa haka festival.”
Te Matatini Chief Executive Carl Ross acknowledges the mahi by Radio Waatea and the wider iwi radio network.
“E mihi ana mātau ki ngā ringa raupā o ngā reo irirangi Māori. I extend my warmest thanks to the hardworking iwi radio station personnel who added another special layer to the Te Matatini coverage. Their contribution to the overall coverage is a testament to the growth, awareness and appetite of kapa haka in Aotearoa New Zealand.”
According to Radio Waatea, tens of thousands of listeners tuned into the live broadcast of four day kapa haka festival.